Contact: rangsima.c [AT]
Mahamakut: Room 504/5


Research topics:
Condensed matter theory

About me:
I am interested in statistical physics aspects of 2d materials.
My current research focus on the survival and persistence probability of thin film in various growing conditions

Educations & Past employments:

  • Ph.D., Chulalongkorn University

  • Visitor, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore, India

  • MSc. Chulalongkorn University,


  • Mathematical Physics 2

  • General physics

Selected publications:

  • Disrattakit, P., Chanphana, R., Chatraphorn, P., Roughness distribution of multiple hit and long surface diffusion length noise reduced discrete growth models, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2016, 462, pp. 619–629

  • Chanphana, R., Chatraphorn, P., Dasgupta, C., Effects of initial height on the steady-state persistence probability of linear growth models, Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 2013, 88(6), 062402

  • Chanphana, R., Chatraphorn, P., Persistence probabilities of height fluctuation in thin film growth of the Das Sarma–Tamborenea model, Indian Journal of Physics, 2021, 95(1), pp. 187–193